Farm Days Festival 2023 featuring Rich Roll and Peter Singer

Press Release: November 28, 2023

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Farm Days Festival 2023 featuring Rich Roll and Peter Singer

Get ready for Farm Days Festival 2023! 

New Jersey, USA. 18th July 2023 - Ethos Farm Project announces a weekend long event with inspiring speakers focusing on the ethics of eating and how whole plant-based food is medicine Long Valley, NJ (September 9th and 10th):

Ethos Farm Project(EFP) is excited to announce Farm Days Festival 2023 this Fall, a weekend long event, September 9th and 10th, to be held at Ethos Farm, a historic 342- acre farm located at 177 West Mill Road in Long Valley, NJ. Expert speakers from across the country will be presenting over the weekend including Peter Singer, Rich Roll, Dr. Dean Sherzai, Dr Ayesha Sherzai, Dr. Columbus Batiste, Dr. Meagan Grega, Sara Farley, Brittany Jaroudi, Bob Quinn and EFP Founder, Dr. Ronald Weiss. 

In addition to these luminary speakers who will speak about the impact of our diets on health, climate change, and how what we eat impacts the rights of nature, there will be yoga, tours of the regenerative and organic farm, movement and mindfulness activities, and whole food plant based (sugar, oil, salt free) food for sale courtesy of The Kellyn Foundation. 

Dr. Ronald Weiss states “I tell people that there is no reason to feel powerless when it comes to improving their own personal health, acting to reverse climate change and the decline of species. Three times a day, every time we sit down to eat, each one of us has the opportunity to regenerate our health and the health of our planet. So, consider what’s at the end of your fork, it’s the single most powerful thing you can do everyday. As Greta Thunberg says, ‘The only thing we need more than hope is action.’” 

Tickets can be purchased at or requests for a scholarship can be emailed to 

Ethos Farm Project is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to address the interconnected nature of how agriculture affects human health, planetary health, and our relationship with nature all while producing truly nourishing food to feed our community, restoring the land, and cultivating and empowering a new generation of farmers, doctors, and nurses through our hands-on educational programming. 


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